Book: The Associate

I just finished John Grisham’s The Associate. It was good enough for me to spend the last few hours finishing instead of working on my draft order, but not great. The plot – and all there is to Grisham books is sturdy plot – opened with great potential. The first 75 pages drew me in. The book starts by introducing the reader to the protagonist, a third-year law student named Kyle. From there his well ordered life as a high-potential student and editor of the Yale Law Review is thrown into disarray thanks the resurfacing of a long-forgotten college incident.

The suspense was linear. There were no twists. No big revelations at the end of the book. Nothing that made it necessary to finish. In summary, reading the book was like being promised a bonfire and receiving a smoldering fire pit. It kept me warm, but I had to stay too close.

I’m going to read The Partner next and see if it’s any better. I’ve heard good things.

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Attorney & Amateur Golfer

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