Holidays 2019

It is that time of year again – after Halloween – Thanksgiving time – the Christmas approach. It’s when each night is draped with the possibility of a fresh blanket of snow. We have our Christmas trees up, which seems early, but, instead, it’s Thanksgiving that’s late. We can now wake up to their colorful lights (or the last three up can!) and the twinkle of the Christmas village and country club – complete with porcelain Cousin Eddie. There is Grandma Rogers’ tree as well – what Carson calls “the downtown tree” because it’s so much bigger like the Downtown TC tree. Speaking of – the boys are charged with energy. You can tell they know it’s that time of year and that they’re ready for more family time and hugs and chilling out at home. I remember that feeling, too.

First time on

Harvey took off on two wheels on his bike today. Up-and-down the street, all over the driveway, and through the yard.

Carson got going too, biking through the driveway and into the yard and then jumping off by the playset. Able to do the two wheels, but doesn’t quite have the turns down.

Really exciting to see