Cool as a Kid; Cool Again Now

I was reminded, just now, of a childhood phenomenon involving Silly Putty and Sunday comics. The trick, as I’m guessing you know by now, was to press the Silly Putty onto the Peanuts’ strip (or your strip of choosing!) and then slowly peel it away. The newspaper ink transferred to the Silly Putty. That alone was entertaining, but even more so was contorting the transposed comic by stretching the Silly Putty.

The Silly Putty Phenomenon just reoccurred when I removed the transparent Post-It note “flag” from my Michigan Court Rules of 1985 book and the ink was transposed from page 134 and onto my Post-It note.

My memory is that those mornings spent perusing, but not earnestly consuming, the news of the day on the living room floor were always bright and sunny, but with the possibility of Sunday School looming.