BarBri Early Start

I’m about to start the BarBri Early Start program. For some reason the name makes me think of a sober house or clean living – preparing for the bar is quite sobering, albeit less of a health risk.

This is the beginning of my formal bar training. It seems far too early, but there’s a few of us here – the few who have paid at least $1500 out of $3000 due to be re-taught what we’ve learned during the past three years of law school.

These Early Start sessions take place on each of the next five weekends, take about five to six hours each, provide general test-taking advice, and cover broad legal topics often tested on the bar exam such as Torts, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Contracts, Property, Evidence and Constitutional Law.

I arrived early enough to get my seat at the top/back of the tiered classroom and donuts were provided – I got my butternut. Cheers to a fun Sunday of bar prep followed by more work! At least it’s sunny out.

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Attorney & Amateur Golfer

2 thoughts on “BarBri Early Start”

  1. Is there an early start program for barbri. I’m taking the bar exam in Michigan in July 2009, and I was not aware that barbri offer such a program. Tell me more about it.

  2. It may be offered through your law school. As I understand it, it’s essentially a condensed version of the full BarBri course offered during the summer.

    Only thing is, I’m not sure if it’s a standard offering at all law schools. If you’re currently in school, I’d recommend checking with the BarBri representatives at your school.

    Good luck!

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