Health and Fitness

This can serve as a reminder that I feel good when active and reasonably fit. Having reduced my weight by 28 pounds, starting at 204 pounds following our ski trip to Utah and currently at 176 pounds, I am more comfortable (both physically and mentally, I suppose) and feel more energetic. My initial goal was to drop my weight from “overweight” to within the “optimum” BMI range for my height, which, for a 5’11” individual, is between 136 and 172 pounds. I am getting closer to the upper threshold and, recognizing the reported shortcomings of the use of BMI for measuring “healthy” weight, I am working to change my focus to healthy meals and drinks (I should probably quit the Diet Cokes!), daily exercise and activity, and taking the time to think and write (and plan family adventures, which, if I’m honest, is one of my favorite things to do). The desire to be fit is largely personal, but a big motivator for me is a desire to remain healthy to be 100% with Lindsey, Harvey, and Carson. (Although, I’m guessing that no matter how much I run / bike / practice golf, the boys will outpace me before too long!, and I will love to see that.)

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Attorney & Amateur Golfer