Two Good Quotes

I rarely post material created by other people on this blog because it’s my space, not theirs. I usually use my tumblr blog for posting clips of others’ works. However, I’m making an exception for this post because T.S. Eliot is one of my favorite poets and I almost bought the Tropic of Cancer a week ago. Now I have to!

“The Rock”

The endless cycle of idea and action,
Endless invention, endless experiment,
Brings knowledge of motion, but not of stillness;
Knowledge of speech, but not of silence;
Knowledge of words, and ignorance of the Word.
All our knowledge brings us nearer to our ignorance,
All our ignorance brings us nearer to death,
But nearness to death no nearer to GOD.
Where is the Life we have lost in living?
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
The cycles of Heaven in twenty centuries
Bring us farther from GOD and nearer to the Dust.

~ T.S. Eliot, “The Rock”
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Excerpt from Tropic of Cancer

There is only one thing which interests me vitally now, and that is the recording of all that which is omitted in books. Nobody, so far as I can see, is making use of those elements in the air which gives direction and motivation to our lives. Only the killers seem to be extracting from life some satisfactory measure of what they are putting into it. The age demands violence, but we are getting only abortive explosions. Revolutions are nipped in the bud, or else succeed too quickly. Passion is quickly exhausted. Men fall back on ideas, comme d’habitude. Nothing is proposed that can last more than twenty-four hours. We are living a million lives in the space of a generation. In the study of entomology, or of deep sea life, or cellular activity we derive more…

~ Henry Miller
Found via been thinking…

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Attorney & Amateur Golfer

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