Conversation: Renew Yourself

So, I’m sitting in a coffee shop in Portsmouth – the one I usually sit at – and this man and woman are sitting next to me talking over cups of coffee. She has a travel cup, probably because they’re on a first date and she thought, I can bolt if I don’t like the guy. He’s got a mug, so he isn’t going anywhere fast. What’s worse is that his hair is longer than hers.

“You’re always renewing yourself,” he says.

“Artists always look at what’s new within your self. They have an enormous curiosity,” she says.

“That’s the true mortality of life right there.”

“It’s like living in a South Park community.”

[The guy just forgot the name of Seinfeld.]

Sigh… they’re still going, but I need to read.

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Attorney & Amateur Golfer

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