American headlines I’ve read while in China. Sorry, no links. Don’t have time right now:
“In Food Safety Crackdown, China Closes 180 Plants” (NYT) – Hmmm… shall I stick to my peanut butter sandwiches? Really, we’ve been eating them everyday for lunch. It’s far easier than trying to order food.
“Text Messages Giving Voice to Chinese” (Wash Post) – It’s quite clear from my Intro to Chinese Law class that if the NPC doesn’t like something, it gets squashed. I guess text messages are a little tougher to suppress.
“Wider Sale is Seen for Toothpaste Tainted in China” (NYT) – I’ve been using my hotel supplied toothpaste morning, noon, and night (sometimes). I hope my teeth don’t fall out.
“U.S. Family Tries Living Without China” (Reuters) – The family says it’s not because they don’t like China. That sounds like BS.
“F.D.A. Issues Alert on Chinese Seafood” (NYT) – I ate a lot of shrimp, some fish, and stuff I can’t even name the other night. I wonder if the F.D.A. would like me to bring some samples home.
“Why Marathoners Won’t Break Records in Beijing” ( – It is truly filthy here. Smog hovers, like I’ve said. The articles says the levels are two to three times what is “healthy.” You don’t see anyone working out outside here. It’s weird.