I had the pleasure of playing the Valley High C. C. on this beautiful 71° sunny October Sunday. Ed and Tyler had played before, but Brandon and I we’re seeing the unique 9-hole golf course for the first time. We played once to record individual scores (35 for me) and again for scramble scores (25 for team Brandon & Chris; 24 for team Ed & Tyler … the champs!). Even after one round I gained a tremendous amount of knowledge on where not to go. Great fun! Here are some pictures.

Actual yardage, 123 yards. Below, looking from the first tee to green.

Hole 4 tee shot, 49 yards. A fat half sand wedge works well. Next is a shot from over the green. The penalty for going long is a second shot much longer than the tee shot.

Beautiful view of Lake Michigan. If you look closely, you can see Gull Island and the stone fireplace ruins of the old Ustick house where many cherry pies were baked in the late 1930s. Here’s a link to the full story.

Above, Ed and Brandon putting on the 6th green. I’m wearing my souvenir hat.

Looking across the 8th green, down to the 9th green. Clubhouse behind; range to the right.