This is my website. If you don’t want to hire me for this transparency, maybe I don’t want to work for you. If you don’t want to date me for this exposure, maybe I don’t want to date you. And if you can’t handle this, there are millions of other sites you should probably be reading. Because anonymous just isn’t for me – I want you to know me and accept me and to support me. If not, find something else to read. (link)
Great post. I’ve never written anonymously. Or posted videos or pictures that way. It doens’t seem worth it to hide my content. Why not share it with the public?
Knox seems to be going a step further in saying that he won’t censor himself. That is a harder and more dangerous goal. People have expectations. An employer will care about it’s employees’ images. A prospective significant other will care how, and if, they are viewed.
He just doesn’t care what they think.
Transparency is a bold goal. It’s ironic – but true – that being a truer version of one’s self (online) can be a life-limiting move.
It’s difficult for me to take a side on this concept of total transparency versus censored disclosure. I practice the later because I hope to have a career and don’t want to be disowned by my girlfriend and family. I’ve made the mistake of sharing the wrong content. It’s annoying and whatever value total transparency held wasn’t worth it.
Good luck with it, though, to anyone who attempts a transparent “blog.”
(I’m not sure there is a transparency gradient. At first I thought of using “opacity,” but what I intend to post isn’t deliberately not transparent. It’s not cloudy. I practice selective transparency, which contradicts the intended goal as well. Hmmm…)