Funny Quotes From Boo

Book Weekley, one of the guys representing the U.S. in the Omega Mission Hills World Cup played in China November 22 – 25, is notorious for his quotes. Here’s a recent sample:

Q: Boo?
BOO WEEKLEY: I’m excited to go over there, and like Heath said, it’s an honor to represent your country. I wouldn’t have gone by myself, though; it’s not that I didn’t want to represent my country, but I ain’t into traveling, especially during hunting season.

Q: What season is it?

Q: It would be deer season if you were at home now?
BOO WEEKLEY: I would have gotten up at 4:30 in the morning, and I’d probably still be in the woods right now.

Q: You would be looking around and —
BOO WEEKLEY: I’d be up a tree, about 35, 40 feet.

On Looking Professional

Zack: You should cut your hair and trim your beard before you interview for an internship.
Me: I would definitely do that.

(I am a law student with shaggy hair and a beard. I don’t look like a lawyer should look. I’m aware of this. I just don’t care right now. When will I ever get a chance to carelessly grow a beard or have longer hair again? The fact that “I don’t know” is a possible answer to that question is reason enough for me to do it now – not later – not never.)

Transparency and Blogging

This is my website. If you don’t want to hire me for this transparency, maybe I don’t want to work for you. If you don’t want to date me for this exposure, maybe I don’t want to date you. And if you can’t handle this, there are millions of other sites you should probably be reading. Because anonymous just isn’t for me – I want you to know me and accept me and to support me. If not, find something else to read. (link)

Great post. I’ve never written anonymously. Or posted videos or pictures that way. It doens’t seem worth it to hide my content. Why not share it with the public?

Knox seems to be going a step further in saying that he won’t censor himself. That is a harder and more dangerous goal. People have expectations. An employer will care about it’s employees’ images. A prospective significant other will care how, and if, they are viewed.

He just doesn’t care what they think.

Transparency is a bold goal. It’s ironic – but true – that being a truer version of one’s self (online) can be a life-limiting move.

It’s difficult for me to take a side on this concept of total transparency versus censored disclosure. I practice the later because I hope to have a career and don’t want to be disowned by my girlfriend and family. I’ve made the mistake of sharing the wrong content. It’s annoying and whatever value total transparency held wasn’t worth it.

Good luck with it, though, to anyone who attempts a transparent “blog.”

(I’m not sure there is a transparency gradient. At first I thought of using “opacity,” but what I intend to post isn’t deliberately not transparent. It’s not cloudy. I practice selective transparency, which contradicts the intended goal as well. Hmmm…)

Looking Outside

On the curbless corner of Lilac and Jupiter streets was a maple tree with ruby red leaves. Leslie looked at the tree through a bleeding-glass second-floor window of an old white farm house. Her bedroom smelled of chap-stick and printer ink. The radiators quacked while her feet searched for her slippers that lay somewhere underneath a desk of solid oak. Her elbows ached and her head felt like a bowling ball.

For a few seconds there was a man wearing a yellow parka walking a black labrador retriever in Leslie’s view. She mused whether all things in life would feel so fleeting.

Leslie sat up straight, clasped her hands together and took a deep breath. She wanted to write, but nothing was coming. The TV was calling. Her phone had unanswered voicemails. The kitchen needed to be cleaned. There were indefinite distractions queued and waiting for her attention. But, she couldn’t bring herself to focus on any one thing except the vision of that yellow man with the black dog walking by the red tree. The colors of fall. If the temperature was colder maybe the image would have frozen in the pane of glass she looked through.

There was a knock at the door. Leslie jumped. Her back shuddered and she blinked hard.