Lindsey brought Harvey by the office today for “Bring Your Child to Work Day.” I’m reminded of the many afternoons I spent eating cheese and crackers at dad’s Old Town office as a kid. And of hanging out with mom in her room at Pathfinder. Harvey, watch out! If you hang around the office too long, we’ll put you to work!
Month: April 2014
Happy Easter 2014
Today started early with a walk down to the beach with Harvey, a cup of coffee, and my camera. I wanted to see the sunrise across the patches of ice and water. As I discovered upon arriving (a few hundred yards from our front door), I was an hour late. It was still a nice walk to begin the day, and the air was surprisingly warm.
Church was fun. I watched Harvey make friends in the lobby, which he prefers to staying quite in the sanctuary. I’m told the sermon was nice. :o) And the brass horns are always magnificent. I could hear those.
We had a tasty brunch at the Park Place Hotel with Grandma R, Grandpa R, Aunt Katy, and Great Grandma R. Harvey especially liked the fried potato smiley faces. Afterwards, we drove out to the Farm to eat a little more, but mostly hangout and enjoy the company of Grandma and Grandpa J, Great Grandma L, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Doug, John Boy, Andrea, Tim, Randy, George, Ginger, Kiera, Dwayne, Mary, Mary R, aaaaaand eventually Christy and Brian.
All in all, it was a fun and enjoyable Easter Day. Harvey received many treats, books, and baskets of goodies. We’ll have fun playing with them for the next couple weeks. Thanks to all, and have a good week!
Easter Morning
Time to Rake
Harvey’s First Birthday
Happy Birthday to our beautiful son, Harvey Alan Rogers. We can’t believe a year passed so quickly. In looking through our pictures, we realized you have already done and seen so much. Each day with you brings new excitement into our lives, and reminds us of the joys of having fun, playing with toys, and laughing as often as possible. Thank you for that, little man.
We had about 25 family members over for your birthday party, and it was a huge success. You had a lot of fun, except while we sang “Happy Birthday.” As you’ll see below, you liked the cake. (I was worried about that. Mom wasn’t.) You are a very lucky boy and in about ten years we’ll have you write thank you notes to each of your relatives for all of the amazing support they have shown you with their time, presence (and presents), and many smiles. You are a lucky boy, and we are fortunate parents.
Here are a few pictures from the party.
Happy First Birthday, Harvey
Like it was yesterday
One year ago today was Lindsey and my last day before we could see Harvey. I would say hold, but we couldn’t hold him right away while he was in the NICU. (Although, I think Lindsey insisted on holding him for a brief while on the first day.) And we could touch him gently while he rested in an incubator, connected to all sorts of tubes. I remember being there like it was yesterday, and it was the longest and scariest yesterday of my life. I was in some sort of shock for days until we met with one of the many people new parents meet with, and I was able to verbalize how scary Harvey’s birth was. And we faced each of those seven days in the hospital with hopeful outlooks, and generally received good news each day. The air in his chest cavity was working its way out, his lungs were doing fine, and he was improving. Lindsey was dedicated to beginning to breast feed with the pump, and I washed many little bottles (and continue to do so!). We did what we could to be parents, while Harvey spent his time in the NICU.