Personal Betterment Metrics

Do you, in all active and passive decisions and actions, seek to better yourself? Probably not, and neither do I, but it is interesting to think about trying to seek to improve our individual existence and that of our surrounding world with each action and decision we make.

I do strive to better myself over the long run. I work out most days, but not everyday. I eat well sometimes, but not every meal. I undertake challenging tasks like building my own website, learning more about photography, or working on being a more empathetic human being. I’ve just recently finished going to school, but plan on learning my entire life. (How can you not?) I read books, articles, and blog posts about interesting things.

When you look at the big picture, I do a lot of things at different times that make me feel as though I am improving, but there is no defined strategy and I have no reliable way of measuring my progress.

I’m not sure what to think about this thought other than what I’ve found most rewarding is moderation and balance. I’m not sure that approach will make me the most successful, but it often leaves me happiest and is the most sustainable in the long run. With a little patience, grand things can be accomplished over time.

What is your approach? Goals? Don’t care? Too busy to worry about it?

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Attorney & Amateur Golfer

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