Jury Selection

I learned about a new reality show today in Civil Procedure called “jury selection.” It’s kind of like that old show, Survivor, where they vote people off the island except the elimination of contestants (potential jurors) is based on stereotypes and perceived biases that pertain mostly to race, religion, wealth, and employment. God bless zealous […]

Update 2009: It cuts off.

My Torts Exam Question

Chris has an 8am meeting with new clients at Pebble Beach, but he’s new in town and completely lost on the Monterey Peninsula. In the midst of his cursing and thrashing about within the cockpit of his car, he turned on the built in emergency phone system called OnStar. A woman’s voice came from nowhere, which startled Chris and caused him to veer off the road and into a mailbox.

“My name is Linda. Are you OK, Mr. Rogers??
Chris, mistaking Linda for the voice of God reprimanding him for all of the sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll he experimented with in college, started to cry.

“Please, Linda-God. Have mercy on my soul. I promise I’ll be good.?

“Mr. Rogers, this is OnStar. Look at your dashboard. See the OnStar button??

“Oh, hah. Yeah. While you’re on the phone, can you give me directions from wherever I am to the nearest hospital and then to Pebble Beach??

Inevitably, as often happens with these new fangled OnStar devices, Chris, despite following the directions exactly and making u-turns as instructed, found himself completely lost. In fact, he wasn’t just lost. He had come to rest in the Monterey Peninsula ghetto. Yes, there is such a thing.

So, no hospital. No golf. Probably, no new clients. And now he’s lost in the ghetto. Worse yet is that he just noticed that the no-flat tires on his Cadillac didn’t make it their guaranteed 50 miles.

I think it’s quite obvious what happens next. His car breaks down. He is forced to strip from his golf clothes and is beaten with his driver by a 12 year old.

What To Write?

Not sure where to begin, so I’ll just write what comes to mind. I’ve been out of it for a week now. Something used to prompt me to post five times a day, regardless of whether or not people read. Now, I’ve got writer’s block for days on end. It’s killing me. I want to blame law school for taking up all of my time. But, that’s not it. I have time. I want to blame BaRAC and legal writing for messing up my approach, but I could never admit that I let those get to me. So, I’m left with looking inward. What usually inspires me? I was thinking about this in Contracts class this morning, needless detail that you don’t need, but will receive (have already received by now). Get this… my big revelation of the day, week, month, year.

There are other people with similar interests. And other people with different interests. On a basic level, this is blatantly obvious. And I apologize for that. But, from a writer / blogger / human interest it makes everything much more interesting.

You either read because you find what I say interesting or you like me. I’m guessing you wouldn’t read out of boredom. Maybe because you hate me, but I don’t know that many people that hate me. Anyway, the point of this dribble is that instead of trying to write about things that interest me all of the time, I should look around and see what other people are doing.

For instance, the room I’m sitting in has about 80 people. I talk to ten or fifteen of them a day because they’re all in my class. They’re all interested in the law (I hope), but not one is really “like” me.

Anyway, this is me attempting to restart my thinking. More later.