Meme: 5 Sites

Five sites I visit everyday are:

1. Google Homepage, which has my rss reader, calendar, and todo list on it.

2., but only the top three columns, which are the top Digg stories, the top stories, and the top Reddit stories.

3., which prompts you with a new word each day and gives you sixty seconds to write about it.

4. to look at the most interesting pictures of the last seven days. I can flip through these endlessly. Fun images.

5., lately. It’s kindof addicting.

Personal Public Timeline

The title seems to contradict itself right? Well, there was a time last year when I wanted to compile all of my personal communications into a general timeline. I’m talkin’ email, IMs, texts messages, pictures, blogs, bookmarks, etc.

I didn’t do it. Partially because I don’t have the technical ability to do it, which is a lame excuse. And partially because after voicing the idea to a few people, privacy became a concern. Not wanting to cut my ties, or at least my digital communications with anyone, I let the idea go.

Then came rambling ’round the corner. It’s like IMing with no one in particular. You just post what you’re doing for the world to see. You can subscribe to friends timelines, and they yours. But it isn’t direct either way.

You can check out my twitter timeline here.

While twitter is great, you tend to mutter to yourself, what’s the point of all this? Who cares? (Turns out a lot of peolpe.) I don’t have an exact answer. It’s like instant blogging without worrying too much about content. Twitter gives you something to do when you have nothing else to do. And it’s a way of contacting a lot of people at once – without ever really trying.

Just this morning I found a similar site called Jaiku is a lot like twitter – you post what you’re currently doing and you can see what your friends or strangers are doing. The base is almost exactly like Twitter.

But Jaiku allows you to add feeds to our timeline. In my case, I added my flickr account (photos), my account (links), and my blog posts from here.

Very cool.


Twitter is the “funnest” website I’ve found in months. It is an update service based entirely on the question, “What are you doing right now?” You can send updates via IM, text message, and of course from the web.

Oh, Twitter is what I use to update the homepage and the content on the top of the sidebar to the right. This is all working towards what I hope will be a virtual data feed of all my communication.
Let me know if you join!