Harvey Lately

I think it’s funny that not only do all of Harvey’s toys have two noise settings, but that those settings are really loud and really really loud.

He loves the TV clicker, so we got an old one of the basement and gave it to him. He crawls around with it now.

Cruising is no problem for him, but he’s not quite walking yet.

We’re a bit concerned that we’ve overused the one-piece fleece onesie, which is way easier to change diapers in than the traditional pants-type outfit.

Harvey went to the nursery for the first time last Sunday, and did pretty well. I think the other kid set him off and we got buzzed to come pick him up.

It’s exciting to see him grow up so quickly, and there’s so much each day week and month that it’s impossible to keep track of everything. But I’m going to try!

Jerky Fest 2013

A dear ol’ friend, Ben Piehl, stopped by on Boxing Day and brought his smoker and marinated beef and buffalo strips. We’ve made jerky three years running, and it’s become a fun holiday-time tradition. This year, the result was our best yet, not that I can take much credit! It’s always fun to catch up and play some ping pong. The highlight for Lindsey and me was seeing Ben hold Harvey.



Some Harvey Observations

In reverse chronological order, but without date references, here are some observations of Harvey over the past few months:

  • Harvey can have a dozen of his toys, books, and bottles surrounding him, and he will still identify the TV clicker, my iPhone, my coffee cup, or any piece of paper in the room and do all that he can to crawl over to the non-toy item.
  • He’s very happy, recognizes smiles and laughter and smiles in return
  • He has an intense focus on the things he’s playing with. Although it was short, his attention span seems to be increasing so that he plays with toys for longer periods of time. Or, he will have out the window at the treetops for several minutes.
  • Expressive eyebrows, likes the strings on my hoodie sweatshirt, and likes the tags on his toys.

Harvey’s First U of M Football Game

Lindsey, Harvey and I, along with our parents and Katy and Taylor trekked down to Ann Arbor for the UM v. Nebraska game last weekend. We stayed at a little lake house south of Pinkney, and drove to the game from there on Saturday morning. The weather was cool and clear all day, which was perfect for having Harvey along. We pre-gamed by shopping around campus and grabbing a burger at Red Hawk. Then it was off to the Big House.

On Sunday, we made a pitstop at Zingerman’s for sandwiches and bread before heading home to the Double Dogleg. Although Harvey caught a little cold, it was a fun trip and I’m glad everyone could make it – and make it happen!

UM Football Game 2013

UM Football Game 2013 2