A Weekend in the Office

I spent much of the weekend in the office watching a multi-hour webinar on Planning for the Taxable Estate. Around watching, and as an excuse to get up and stretch my legs, I thoroughly cleaned up the books and files around my office. The furniture stayed put.

I’ve always liked to use the end of the year to organize various parts of my life – both physical and digital. And as we near 1/1/2013, it’s time again to put away the 2012 stuff and make room for the new. Especially with our baby son coming oh-so-soon, I am guessing that I will have to be more efficient than ever at keeping my stuff in order because his stuff will soon displace my stuff in the hierarchy of which stuff I most care about!

The week ahead is going to continue to be busy, as we have three Christmas parties to attend – MFDA, RJFH, and CRB. It will be fun, and I am looking forward to a healthy dose of Christmas cheer to go with the fresh blanket of snow covering the white Christmas lights lining our fence.

The snow also marks the true start of winter, and my 6am-obligation to keep the steep and curving parts of the driveway safe for passing. It’s not all bad, as it’s forced near-daily exercise.

Have a tremendous week, and don’t be too busy to enjoy a Christmas song from time to time.

Our First Christmas Tree!

In search of a tree,
We drove to “The 40”;
Linds’ in high fashion
And me not so sporty.

Like slobber to walls,
Linds’ shot to the tree.
Eighty-seven pictures later,
The saw was set free.

To honor its branches,
A prayer we did say.
Then “Amen” was uttered;
The tree would soon lay.

When my turn was had
The tree last stood;
In a matter of seconds
Did soft snow hit wood.

Above my round head,
I hoisted our tree
And without any thought
I tossed it to Lindsey.

“Here ya go Honey,
You can lug it from here.
I’ll take some pictures
And look out for deer.”

What a woman she is!
That face full of might.
The prickly tree heaved
Right out of sight!

The snow came down softly;
And Yogi had fun.
It beat the heck out of
Some plain old run!

It’s not every couple
That gets perfect weather
When they go hunting
For their first tree together.

But what mattered the most,
(And I’m proud to tell),
Is all I kept thinking was
She’s pretty darn swell!

*****The End*****

Pumpkin Carving

Jen and Brent had Lindsey, me and Karla over to carve pumpkins in their garage tonight. Upon arrival, the tables were set with paper – the pumpkin bread was sliced, yet still warm – and Stella the pup was fully charged and ready to devour every last pumpkin seed that slipped through our hands and onto the cement floor.

L to R: Brent, Chris (Me), Karla, Jen, Lindsey … and Stella below. | More pictures here.

I really like Lindsey’s pumpkin, which displays a “C & L” crest… pretty cool with the golf clubs and ball and tee. I thought about doing something equally meaningful, but opted for the demented weirdo pumpkin scheme instead.