Dancing with the Stars!

Chris and I love DWTS….ok, I love DWTS and he watches it too :) We recently started taking dance lessons, and I LOVE IT! Learning each new step is hilarious and fun, and by far the best part is practicing at home, and having Yogi look at us, like….”what in the world are you two doing” :) Hopefully we will remember all of our steps on June 25th, but this has been a great experience, and I love being Chris’ partner and cannot wait to dance the night away with all of our family and friends!


Hi All!

Happy May! Just wanted to take a quick moment to blog about a few things…
1. Ever heard of simplyblueweddings? Check out their website…They are the ultimate Northern Michigan Wedding Resource! I am slightly obsessed and loved their website. We found our photographer on their vendor page and have borrowed several of their ideas from their almost daily blog updates. My favorite part of this website is the photos of bride and grooms with a cute love poem or quote as the caption…. I can’t wait to make some art like this for Chris and I’s home one day!
2. Gifts! Chris and I have been over joyed and over whelmed with the amount of love, support and gifts we have received already from friends and family! Thank you so much for everything! I can not begin to express how grateful we are :) A few of you have sent us money and we just wanted to thank you, and let you know we have started a “honeymoon fund”! We are going to leave on Sunday after the wedding, and will be heading to Marbella, Spain! I’m sure we will have a separate blog post about Spain, so stay tuned!
3. We love you and look forward to celebrating with you in less than two months!

Christmas in May!

Well the time has finally come! The invitations are in the mail!!! Whoo Hoo! We have already received some response cards and it was like christmas when I went to the mail box, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but wonderful response cards sitting right there!!!….which means, it will be like christmas every day for the next few weeks!!!!

Chris and I watched Kate and William tie the knot this morning and her dress was nothing short of Incredible! I loved the sleeves, the lace, her hair, her tiara, the bodice, everything….and my dress is…. well, nothing like it! As Chris teared up and I grinned from ear to ear as they said their vows, I kept thinking about our big day…just 56 days away!

Working Hard

“Much more important than working hard is knowing how to find the right thing to work on. Paying attention to what is going on in the world. Seeing patterns. Seeing things as they are rather than how you want them to be. Being able to read what people want. Putting yourself in the right place where information is flowing freely and interesting new juxtapositions can be seen. But you can save yourself a lot of time by working on the right thing. Working hard, even, if that’s what you like to do.” From Caterina.net.

Good Boy

Bottle caps in the asphalt like buttons on the earth. Coke, Sprite, and Dr. Pepper lining the driveway all the way down to where the mail comes. To the mailbox. To the mailman. To the curb where the garbage sits on Friday mornings for an hour or two after dad’s gone to work and mom’s gone to work and I’ve gone to school. And then down the road a little boy plays. Kept home for no good reason except that there’s more time to play in this world because life’s too short and he’s got all day. I wish I was that boy, so free to do whatever. Whatever, I don’t care. I’m a teenager now. I’m too cool for school. I don’t care what you say. Mom. Dad. Sister. Family – that stuff’s for punks. I’ve got to prove myself to the world. And do my own thing. I’m going to dye my hair. (But I never did.) I’m going to dress some other way. (But I never did.) I stayed the same.